Industry: Transport
Delivery note automation
A busy haulage operation needed to streamline the processing of large volumes of paper delivery notes arriving in to the organisation every day.
Requirements Summary
Automate the processing of between 850 - 1450 paper transport documents per day
Support recognition of delivery note documents from over fifty different suppliers
Scan output format should be conversion to text searchable PDF documents
Provide a powerful search and retrieval method
Integrate with the line of business (LOB) transport application

PRISM DocRecord suite receives the scanned delivery notes and initially separates them. Once separated the system attempts to identify the supplier and apply the correct template to extract the delivery note number. The extracted number is checked against the LOB transport application database. If a match is found the delivery note is indexed and filed in DocRecord and no manual intervention is required. If no match is found the DocRecord client application allows the operator to easily batch index the remaining delivery notes.
The DocRecord workflow updates the LOB transport application to flag receipt of every delivery note and write the delivery note file path to the database. Operatives and customers are then able to view the delivery note from the LOB transport applications web viewer from anywhere in the world.
Operators can also perform more detailed searches when required from within the DocRecord client, including a full text search on any text on any of the transport documents.
Outcomes & Benefits
Convenient, fast and easy process to digitise transport documents
Automatically extracts over 85% of delivery note numbers (previous system managed only 45%)
Integrates with the customers LOB transport application
Outputs accurate text searchable documents
Powerful search ensures that delivery notes are easy for users to retrieve
Scalable, the system can cope with large increases in delivery note documents
DocRecord Suite