A ground remediation and waste removal organisation automated the mundane processing of thousands of its job tickets each month.
Each ticket previously required manual scanning, saving to folder and data entry in master spreadsheets.
This action performs part of the process required in order that accurate invoices can be prepared and sent to customers each month.
While parts of the process still require human attention the mundane and time-consuming aspects have been automated to save hours and hours of staff time and improve morale.
PRISM WorkPath Server
PRISM WorkPath (Reviewer Interface)
Altman IM digital workflows are always customised to suit the way your organisation works. The various stages required and sequence vary from customer to customer. The outline below details the flow deployed in this particular project.

1. Input
Job tickets are batch scanning (up to the maximum capacity of the MFP feeder).
2. Data Input
Each scanned batch relates to one particular invoice number. As the invoice number is not on the tickets the operator is asked to confirm this in the reviewer interface. This also provides the operator the ability to check through the scanned pages if required.
3. Data Extraction
Each batch is split in to individual pages before the ticket document type is then identified. This ensures that the correct data extraction template is applied for the type of ticket.. The ticket number is then extracted.
4.Data Review
Ticket numbers may not always be recognised due in the main to very poor quality originals as well as defacing.
Tickets where the ticket number is not found or does not pass validation rules are sent for manual review and correction.
5. Outputs
Each ticket number is written to a CSV (spreadsheet) file for each invoice.
The physical ticket document is named as the ticket number and saved in an agreed folder structure with new folders creating automatically for each invoice number. This enables operators to easily locate tickets as well as zip the folder and send to customers where proof is required.